I really enjoy giving a little money here and there whenever I have the opportunity. What I like about the Big Dent website is that you can see and read about the real residents in Mathare who are seeking loans. I think this is a great approach and you can pick who you want to help. The process is easy (over the web) and you can pay as little or as much as you like.
I have helped provide parts of a loan to ten different residents so far. You can check back into your account and see the people you helped out and you can see when they repay their loans and even if they are looking for a new loan to expand their business.
If you are looking for a fun way to give money to a responsible organization that truly helps the neediest of the needy, then I recommend Big Dent. If you are not able to be a big donor, like myself, you can do it in small chunks whenever you feel like it. What I really like about this program is that once a loan has been repaid, that money can go back into the program to finance another loan. So your money can further help and expand in more ways than the little bit you originally gave. It is like a multiplication of funding. You can also set your preferences as you search for someone to help out with a loan. Personally, I give most of my loans to people in the Bondeni section of the Mathare Valley as that is where the school is where I taught and where Anthony, the boy we sponsor comes from.
Check out Big Dent here.
The pictures on this page are pictures I took of the streets of the Mathare Valley slums back in 2011. They show what I think are some local businesses. They are not necessarily connected with Big Dent in any way.