In 2011, I went on what I thought would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Kenya. It ended up being the most eye-opening and rewarding experience of my life. I participated on a team from CrossWay Christian Church in Nashua that journeyed to the Mathare Valley slums of Nairobi. We worked with The Hope Partnership within the Mathare Valley. Our church has sent other teams to Kenya, but this trip was the first set up for teachers to work in the schools. As a teacher, I was compelled and delighted to go and it was a wonderful experience. This coming summer in July 2014, I am excited to be part of a returning trip of teachers to continue our work and deepen the relationships that we make with the people and schools in the Mathare Valley.
But here is also something wonderful happening in the slums of Mathare and Missions of Hope helps provide that hope with education, health services, micro-finance loans, and more to the people who live in these conditions and desire to rise above the poverty in which they find themselves.
In 2011, on that first trip, I went with other educators from the Nashua area to work in the schools conducting teacher training alongside Kenyan teachers, helping them improve their skills in the classroom, encouraging them in their jobs, and teaching the always eager Kenyan students. I have never before been so challenged or had so much fun with my teaching. We are sending another team of educators back to Nairobi this summer and I am thrilled to be a part of that team, something I thought I would never have the chance to do again. Many of those on this trip are educators, but others will be doing home visits in the community, bringing light into dark places by installing skylights in shanties with no electricity, taking food to the sick, and teaching simple ways to live healthier and better.
Despite the expense of a second trip to Kenya, I have been shown that the time is right to return to Kenya and to help make a difference. I know that the people of Kenya appreciate our presence and direct help much more than any money we could just simply send. We become partners and teach, encourage, and strengthen each other.
As I return, I will need some help. Here are three things that you can do to help, if you feel so inclined.
Number 1. If you are a praying person, I would appreciate your prayers. The trip is not always easy emotionally and health-wise. On the last trip, I fully immersed myself in the schools of Mathare and the kids and people that I met, and I would want to be just as healthy and energetic this time around. I also saw the goodness and light within the Mathare Valley and fell in love with that place and the people I met. I simply felt blessed to be there, despite the poverty and living conditions that I saw up close. I can only hope that I constantly value and appreciate the good around me on this trip while still being aware of the desperate lives being led. I hope you would pray that the conditions do not overwhelm me or my teammates and that that we can remain healthy, strong, and safe so that we can also be a blessing to the people of the Mathare Valley.
Number 2. I do have to raise more than $3000 for the trip and the airplane flight to Kenya. This is an immense sum of money for my family. I certainly would appreciate some extra support if you feel led and would like to contribute towards this expense. If you would like to contribute and are able, no contribution would ever be considered too small or too large and all would be very much appreciated! You can contact Sarah or myself with any donations or make a check payable to:
CrossWay Christian Church,
503 Main Dunstable Road
Nashua, NH 03062
Important: If writing a check, please put “Africa 2014” on the memo line. If you want a check to be tax-deductible, please do not place my name anywhere on the check. You should, however include my name in a note or on the envelope.
I have committed to giving 100% of my effort and energy to this trip and unlike my first trip, I now know the schools and the teachers and have a much better idea of how I can meet their needs. I have so many plans and ideas and can't wait to jump right in and work again with my Kenyan friends.
Number 3. I also have other plans to bring various educational materials to the schools we work in and this might be another way that you can join in and help with on this mission to Kenya. I will keep you posted as these plans are fully worked out.
Thank-you for your thoughts, prayers, interest, and encouragement. When I go, I may also wear a tie again, something I never choose to do on my own!
Jim Hansen
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